Six books on loan for an exhibition about the Christian Epic in Japon

The Loyola Paris Faculty Library has loaned six remarkable works to the Paris Foreign Missions (MEP) for the exhibition "Des Samouraïs aux Mangas - L'épopée chrétienne au Japon" (From Samurai to Manga - The Christian epic in Japan), which runs from March 15 to July 13, 2024. Admission is free.

The five-part exhibition traces the history of Christians in Japan from the 16th century to the present day.

The six books on loan from the Loyola Paris Faculties illustrate the first two parts in particular:

Lettres de S. François Xavier,... Traduites de nouveau en François of 1660, by Louys Abelly
La Vie de Saint François Xavier de la Compagnie de Jesus Apostre des Indes et du Japon, of 1715, by Dominique Bouhours, s.j.
Lettres annales du Jappon of 1618 by Sebastien Viera, s.j.
Histoire des martyrs du Japon of 1624 by Nicolas Trigault, s.j.
Histoire de la vie et de la glorieuse mort, de cinq pères de la Compagnie de Jésus, qui ont souffert dans le Japon, of 1653 by Alexandre de Rhodes, s.j.
Histoire de l'église du Japon, of 1689 by Jean Crasset, s.j.

